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Display F5 Data from Redis

This article is part three of a series, and it describes steps to retrieve F5 BigIP pool member information from a Redis database and return the data either in a svg image format or a json format, over an HTTP API call. The svg image format can be used to embed the image in an HTML page or a Github page or the json endpoint can be called via a javascript.

Parsing F5 syslogs with Vector

This article is part two of the series of articles and describes how to parse syslogs from F5 BIG-IPs.

While SNMP polling, Rest API calls, or F5 Telemetry iApp can be used to retrieve pool member status and state, these management calls are expensive and they add to the control plane CPU usage on the BIG-IP. BIG-IP LTM Syslogs events contain a wealth of details about the pool - like name, member IP:Port, member up/down health monitor status, member enabled/disabled administrative state, along with timestamps.